The Freshman Ten |
Last year, I decided to place much more of my focus on writing. To do this, required a sacrifice of something. I work full-time and am a mother of a sports teenager. Neither of those were on the table for cutting.
My physical activity is what I ended up giving up. Thus my new phrase: The Writer's Fifteen.
How many of you are sporting The Writer's Fifteen on your derriere?
The Writer's Fifteen |
For me, this is not acceptable. I don't like myself when I'm sporting an extra fifteen. (Really I could stand to lose twenty-five). I'm cranky. It's not good for my family or my writing. But I don't want to give up my new focus on writing.
Thanks to my brilliant sister, MarVeena Meek,, I discovered my solution to the writer's fifteen. Podcasts.
You might be wondering how podcasts will solve my problem. Well wonder no more. When I say my focus is on writing, it's not just the act of typing words. It also includes the act of furthering my education about the craft and about how to market myself.
I can listen to podcasts about social media marketing while walking the dog or walking in place in front of my computer. I can use podcasts to learn while getting my 10,000 steps a day. Everyone should get 10,000 steps a day. 10,000 steps is equivalent to about 5 miles a day.
There are a lot of podcasts available on social media marketing. My current favorite is: Social Media Marketing with Michael Stelzner. But, I haven't discovered any podcasts on the craft of writing.
So I've decided I'm going to create podcasts on the craft of writing. It will take time, but when I teach, I learn. It will not be wasted time. Plus, it will be my way of marketing myself. Gaining name recognition.
BUT I need your help. What should I call my Podcasts? The focus will be on writer's moving while learning.
I thought about:: Lunge and Learn. But I'm not entirely happy with that. Give me your best ideas.