Monday, August 26, 2013

The Writer Fifteen

The average college freshman gains ten pounds. Or that's the amount they quoted to us back when I was about to become a college freshman a few moons ago.  It's called the Freshman Ten.
The Freshman Ten
My question is:  Do writers experience the same phenomenon?  If so, how much weight does the average writer gain the first year they decide to seriously pursue their passion for writing?

Last year, I decided to place much more of my focus on writing. To do this, required a sacrifice of something. I work full-time and am a mother of a sports teenager. Neither of those were on the table for cutting.

My physical activity is what I ended up giving up. Thus my new phrase:  The Writer's Fifteen.

How many of you are sporting The Writer's Fifteen on your derriere?

The Writer's Fifteen

For me, this is not acceptable. I don't like myself when I'm sporting an extra fifteen. (Really I could stand to lose twenty-five). I'm cranky. It's not good for my family or my writing. But I don't want to give up my new focus on writing.

Thanks to my brilliant sister, MarVeena Meek,, I discovered my solution to the writer's fifteen. Podcasts.

You might be wondering how podcasts will solve my problem. Well wonder no more. When I say my focus is on writing, it's not just the act of typing words. It also includes the act of furthering my education about the craft and about how to market myself.

I can listen to podcasts about social media marketing while walking the dog or walking in place in front of my computer.  I can use podcasts to learn while getting my 10,000 steps a day. Everyone should get 10,000 steps a day. 10,000 steps is equivalent to about 5 miles a day.

There are a lot of podcasts available on social media marketing. My current favorite is: Social Media Marketing with Michael Stelzner. But, I haven't discovered any podcasts on the craft of writing.

So I've decided I'm going to create podcasts on the craft of writing. It will take time, but when I teach, I learn. It will not be wasted time. Plus, it will be my way of marketing myself. Gaining name recognition.

BUT I need your help. What should I call my Podcasts? The focus will be on writer's moving while learning.

I thought about:: Lunge and Learn. But I'm not entirely happy with that. Give me your best ideas.



  1. It is always the case that when we dive into one thing we end up giving something else up, until we can find the balance again.

    1. The elusive balancing act. It's a tricky little sucker.

  2. I understand, Lisa. When I got involved online, I would dedicate all my time to only this...forgot about the exercise...until I gained 20 lbs in a few weeks! Lesson learned!! Now, I do (almost) everything in balance. It works much better than way. Thanks so much for sharing your story.

    1. Balance is good - when I went to my doctor for my yearly check-up, I think she about had a coronary over my weight gain in a year. Ugh.

    2. I believe many of us go through that and it's ok. Best to get back on the band wagon and don't look back. We all trip once in a while. :)

  3. It helps to have a pet who needs to be walked and also to train oneself to get up for 5 minutes every hour to help with the circulation and attempt to keep the fat derriere under control. Title of podcast? How about The Writers' Movement?

    1. Hi Vatsala,
      I love your title idea. Thanks.

      We do have a dog, and now that I'm listening to podcasts on my Iphone, the dog it getting walked further. :)

  4. Great post, Lisa. I actually lost weight my first year of serious writing, but I also had the luxury of giving up my full-time job. Now that I'm working again, I'm in need of that balance. It's hard to get everything into the hours available in a day. Love the podcast idea! Great way to market yourself and continue learning.

    1. Thanks Sara. Good luck with finding your balance.

  5. I love the idea of writing craft podcasts. I rigged up a board that I can set my laptop on while I walk on the treadmill. I've used it twice. The treadmill is in the basement. I need my own treadmill, maybe a manual one, upstairs so I can exercise and write.

    1. What kind of board did you use? I've thought of doing that.

  6. Great topic! I take breaks and walks during the course of my day. If I didn't, I would probably weigh in at 500 pounds! LOL

    1. It would be so easy to just gain and gain and gain if one doesn't make a conscience effort to do other wise.

  7. Ugh! I won't talk about weight. If I even LOOK at a cookie I gain a pound. However, I do like your podcast idea. How about ...The Write Move... or ...Learn the Write Move... or Move, Learn, Write. You get the idea. ;-)

    1. Great ideas for the name of the podcasts. Thanks for brainstorming with me.

  8. What a fantastic idea! I usually watch something on Netflix or Hulu while I'm on the elliptical, but I could definitely go for a podcast.

    Writing didn't make me gain weight, but revision is another matter. When critique partner says her critiques call for brownies, she's not kidding!

    1. Ha. Revisions are heavy on the caloric side. I like the idea of podcasts because you're getting more bang for your buck. You're learning while burning.

  9. Great idea about the podcasts! I too have gained weight since writing seriously. I've packed on ten pounds and hate it too.

    I can't think of a name off the top of my head but will keep thinking...

    1. Isn't amazing how an extra ten to twenty pounds affect your personality.

  10. This is a great topic, Lisa. Podcasts are a great idea! Thank you for sharing your story!

    ~ Robin

  11. This is a smart and creative idea. I like it. Learn and burn? Just an idea.... Good luck with it. I look forward to hearing about your progress of this.

    1. Leslie,
      I love Learn and Burn. That is definitely in the running. Thanks for sharing.

  12. You're right Doiron. I do want the podcasts easy to search and find.

  13. Oh my gosh! This is so true. I have become glued to my chair in front of the computer and EVEN eat lunch there.

    I have never ever weighed this much. Having danced ballet for many years, I was always underweight. Now I have 10 pounds to lose. Grrrrrr

  14. They say you must get up and move, or you become complacent and the weight comes on...

  15. How 'bout "The Write Moves"...?

  16. So true Lisa!I've also been sitting a bit too much. Had to make an effort to change my eating habits, get up every hour and leave the environment to feel refreshed. It's interesting how blog ideas come while driving around.

    1. Blog ideas do come at the most amazing moments.

  17. Great post Lisa. I'm glad to hear it's only 15 for a woman over 50 who left a corporate job to come home to work...I packed on a whopping 100 pounds my first year! Although the 5 foot commute is wonderful it also grossly damaged my health and body. Now I'm down 54 of those pounds, looking years younger and feeling more energetic than ever. I think the idea of a podcast for healthy writing is perfect and much needed. People don't realize how working from home can be very unhealthy for them. As for a title for your podcast what about "Listen to Learn While You Burn"?

    1. Thanks for the title idea and for sharing your story.

  18. How about just 'Learn while you Burn' or 'Activate Body and Mind' But I LOVE the above 'Write Moves' Just saying.

  19. Lisa, I had a moment when I was pretty sure you wrote about me... When you mentioned walking the dog and listening to Michael Stelzner's podcasts. I could even hear the Australian voice/accent he uses on his intro for the podcast. That's how I dropped 13 lbs. I don't want to drop any, but I do love to walk and listen to podcasts. :)

    1. That's cool. Hopefully I'll drop 13 as well. Thanks for the comment.

  20. As someone who spends a lot of the day sat down, I make sure that I get a good walk at some point in the day. Even 20 minutes helps keep the weight in check. And I do listen to podcasts as I walk, so do let me know when you are available!

    1. Thanks Carolyn. I will definitely let you know when they are up and running.

  21. What a brilliant idea, something I never would have thought of.

  22. Replies
    1. I love that title - unfortunately there is already a web site with that name. Sigh.

  23. I feel you! SOmetimes I realize I am sitting on the couch too much with my blog and it is so important for me to continue doing my regular exercise on the elliptical machine, extra 10 pounds for me please:)

    1. Movement works. You are proof if you've kept the weight off.

  24. I like the name you have picked... and I'm trying to think of another one... something that has to do with 'moving'... you know like a play on words... 'touching' and also physical movement :) "Moving Words" or "Writers be Moved" haha :) It would take me some time to throw around ideas.... you should totally go on Amazon and get this book called POP! by Sam Horn... it's brilliant for this kind of thing :) Good luck!

    1. Hi Robin. Thanks for the title ideas. I'll be sure and check out POP.

  25. This is one of the things I worry about and I have to be conscious of through my day to get up and go! I walk, run, do jumping jacks up to 15 to 30 minutes. Sometimes it's hard to peel your hands off the keys, but it really is refreshing!

    1. I agree. Movement of any type does refresh those creative batteries.

  26. What has saved me is getting up an hour early and getting that 6-days-a-week hour-long walk in. (I don't walk on Sundays or I'd NEVER know what day of the week it was!) So anything you can do to get us up and moving will be great, whatever you call it! ;-)

    1. I admire anyone who gives up an hour of sleep to get up and workout. I want to be that person - I'm not. :)

  27. Movement for Inspiration? Great post. I have to make sure I get out and exercise. I love podcast and I also do audio books.

    1. Katrina, thanks for the title idea. There have so many great ones, I'm not sure how I'll ever decide. Nice problem to have.

  28. Bootcamp does double duty for me. It keeps me on track for food and exercise, plus it clears my head to write.

    1. Bootcamp does sound like a solution. I'm with you, exercise does clear the head and makes room for more creativity.
